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Definition Setup

  1. Parts of a pick-and-place routine
  2. Example

Pick-and-place routines are simple opterations with a few key parts which are built into a standard motion trajectory.

Parts of a pick-and-place routine

A pick and place task has 5 main components:

  1. Set up move
  2. Grasp
  3. Manipulate
  4. Release
  5. Move to end


Settings consist of several options related to hardware and action configuration.

  • type (str): The type of pick and place action.
    • Options are single or grid.
  • use_arm (bool): Decide whether or not the arm is used in this trajectory
  • use_hand (bool): Decide whether or not the hand is used in this trajectory
  • reset_object (bool): Reset the object after the pick-and-place task is complete. Essentially just a reversal of the resulting trajectory


  boomerang: true
  reset_object: true
  type: grid # options: single, grid
  use_arm: True
  use_hand: True


Define specific important poses, how the object is picked up, and define a grid over which to make permutations

  • orientation_type (str): How orientations are defined in poses. All orientations in the config file must be defined in the same units.
    • Options are quaternions, radians, or degrees.
  • initial_pose (dict): The pose to start at
  • grasp_pose (dict or list): The pose or list of poses to use during the grasp portion of the task
    • If a single pose is provided, the arm moves stright from the initial pose to the grasping pose.
  • release_pose (dict or list): The pose or list of poses where the object is released.
  • final_pose (dict): The ending pose.
  • pickup:
    • type (str): The type of pickup action to perform. Options are square, triangle, and to_pose.
    • args (dict): Arguments to give to the pickup builder. These depend on the type (as described later).
  • grid:
    • num_pts (list): List of number of grid points to make in all cartesian dimensions.
    • dims (list): Dimensions of the grid of grasping poses in all cartesian dimensions.
    • release_dims (list): Dimensions of the grid of release poses in all cartesian dimensions.
    • affects_release_pose (bool): Choose if the grid should affect the release pose.

Optional addons:

  • manip_pose_before (list): A list of poses to execute between the grasp and manipulate steps
  • manip_pose_after (list): A list of poses to execute between the manipulate and release steps
  • manip_sequence (list): Add a long list of poses to the manipulate step.
    • type (str): The type of sequence. Currently trajectory is the only option.
    • args: Arguments to give to the manipu sequence builder
      • trajectory (str): Filename where the trajectory is stored.
      • sequence (list): Sequence of moves (as defined in the trajectory file).


  orientation_type: 'degrees' # options: 'quaterions', 'radians, 'degrees'

    position: [0.55, 0.30, 0.20]
    orientation: [0,90,0]

    - position: [0.55, 0.30, 0.20]
      orientation: [0,90,0]
    - position: [0.55, 0.30, 0.065]
      orientation: [0,90,0]

  ... # Define all other poses similarly to this.

    type: to_pose # square, triangle, to_pose
      before: 'manip_pose_before'
      after: 'manip_pose_after'

    type: 'trajectory'
      trajectory: 'manip/armando_simple.yaml'
      sequence:   [path0, path1, path2, path3, path4, path5, path6, path7, path8, path9, path10, path11, path12, path13]

    num_pts: [1,1,1] # Number of points on each side [number] in (x, y, z) order
    dims: [0,0,0]    # Dimension of each grid side [meters] in (x, y, z) order
    release_dims: [0,0,0]
    affects_release_pose: True


Define specific hand pressures and skills

  • num_channels (int): Number of control channels in the hand
  • max_pressure (float): Maximum pressure the hand should be commanded to
  • min_pressure (float): Minimum pressure the hand should be commanded to
  • idle_pressure (list): A vector of pressures that the hand should be set to when idle

Grasp options

  • grasp_sequence (dict): Define the grasping sequence
    • type (str): The type of grasping sequence. Options are trajectory or skill.
    • sequence (list): The pressure trajectory or list of skills to use.
  • grasp_sequence, (legacy definition) (list): A pressure trajectory to use. Just use the list directly.

Manipulation options

  • manip_sequence (dict): Define the in-hand manipulation sequence
    • type (str): The type of manipulation sequence. Options are trajectory or skill.
    • sequence (list): The pressure trajectory or list of skills to use.
  • manip_sequence, (legacy definition) (list): A pressure trajectory to use. Just use the list directly.

manip_sequence may be ommited if not needed

Release options

  • release_sequence (dict): Define the release sequence
    • type (str): The type of release sequence. Options are trajectory or skill.
    • sequence (list): The pressure trajectory or list of skills to use.
  • release_sequence, (legacy definition) (list): A pressure trajectory to use. Just use the list directly.


Pick and place setup files should be located in “traj_setup”.